Friday, May 30, 2008

Best Thriller Novels

1984 by George Orwell

This one is a classic. I am ashamed of calling it a thriller, but I can't help it. It gave me the creeps...
It was story written in 1947, in the post world war era. It was quite a gloomy world then -- the constant fear of sinister fascism and nazism, degeneration of communism into a stifling and ruthless force, the apprenhension of imminent wars between world powers etc. looming large over it. 1984 shows us what would have happened if all those fears would have come true.

The world in 1984 is a world controlled by three powers -- Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia. The main protagonist Winston Smith belongs to Oceania. Oceania has a corrupt fascist government controlled by leader called Big Brother. No one knows who Big Brother is, whether he is alive or not, nut all they know is that Big Brother means power. The govt is a group of people which has control over the common man. Personal life doesn't exist because everything is constantly monitored. Love is a sin. Children implicate parents. Literature is gone. All that is left is madness, jingoism and ruthlessness. Everything is an illusion . People can vanished by the govt and all records of their existence can be effaced.
Winston Smith slowly finds life and a love. And then he starts questioning all he had been made to believe. He joins a rebel group and gets into it deeper and deeper, till he finds out that it was a conspiracy itself. A very thought provoking and pathetic end awaited him.

This shold be one of the most important books you will ever read in your life... And suddenly you will find that you live in a really safe world as compared to people in North Korea, Germany of past.

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